


2018年のスーパーボウルはミネアポリスで開催!そして、ハーフタイムショーのヘッドライナーを務めるジャスティン・ティンバーレイクが、ショウに先立ち、ペイズリーパークで自身の新作"Man of the Woods"のリスニング・セッションを行うことになりました。アメリカン・エクスプレスがスポンサーとなる同イベントは、$80で発売と開始に完売したとのこと。開催されるのはパーク内で1,800名を収容できる多目的ホールではないかと目されています。情報源


 Paisley Prince

個人的にはパーク内での飲酒にはかなり抵抗がありますが…。"Thieves In The Temple"、すなわち聖地を荒らす盗人と ならないことを願っております(OneHさんのブログより)。


It was Raspberry Beret. I was 4 years old. Yes, 4. I remember that I instantly loved it. "Mommy, who is that singing?" Seems weird but it's true. More than a "once in a lifetime" artist... Just a ONCE IN FOREVER ARTIST. I'm still in shock as I write this and I feel this overwhelming grief. But, we should all turn away from that and HONOR this musician that changed all of our lives, our perspectives, our feeling, our whole being. From another planet? Probably. Royalty, for sure. Us worthy..? Laughable. They say don't meet your idols... That they let you down. But, some of my greatest, funniest (yes, he was hilarious), and most prolific encounters and conversations about music came from the moments that I spent with him. It would be silly to say that he has inspired our music... It's beyond that. He's somewhere within every song I've ever written. I am sad, but I will smile when I think of every second that I had the fortune of being in his company. We have lost our greatest living musician. But his music will never die. Prince, NOTHING COMPARES... #RIPPrince

Justin Timberlakeさん(@justintimberlake)がシェアした投稿 -

